James Cameron's "Avatar" earned $48.5 million over the weekend and is the second-highest-grossing film of all time.
Cameron's "Titanic," still holds the title of No. 1 grossing film of all time at $1.8 billion in global sales. "Avatar" is quickly on it's way to topping the film with $1.34 billion worldwide earnings.
Trainwreck reality star "Monica Danger" loses custody of baby - VH1
Keisha Cole non-communicado with fam; confirms pregnancy and engagment - PEOPLE.COM
Josh and Fergie renew wedding vows - US Mag
Halle Berry release second fragrance - Brown Sista
Gabriel Union dish her insecurites - Mrs. Grapevine
Dennis Rodman still drunk and disorderly after Celeb Rehab - Egyptsaidso.com
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